is easy nowadays, but the process actually starts far before it when you get new experiences, meet interesting people, travel to new places and see something new like these mountains during the sunset in Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
doesn't happen when you press the button of your camera. It happens when you try to fit one small piece of reality into the frame. Good light is also important: two key things I look for in light is value and color.
is important and taking pictures of people and nature is difficult but present different challenges: you can't control the nature, but you can bend the rules with the use of graduated and polarized filters.
should be as fluent as speaking in your mother tongue, because nature usually gives you a very small window of time. Knowledge of words like "shutter speed", "aperture" and "ISO" are certainly not everything in photography, but the ability to control them in the way you want is an important aspect to master.
from the masters for me is a great part of everyday life, and “masters” is not about photography experts. Visual art was born centuries ago and now there are tons of materials on color theory, composition and examples of works from different styles, technics and époques. For me it’s not only about study, it’s also about trying to apply all the knowledge in my works.
in taking pictures is an essential part, because in the end it's all about seeing, feeling, exploring and finding something new and impressive, sharing part of my own world, trying to express something I felt important to the viewer.
Thank you for sticking for so long! If you want to contact me after this journey, share your impressions or thoughts or just want to take a look on my other hobbies, feel free, it’ll mean the world to me